I always laugh at Will Smith’s delivery of this line in Men In Black, but of course
to have the drive to be the best of the best is not something to laugh at but
something to strive for, so just lately
I've been searching for the books that are considered to be the best in their genre,
or literary style.
What is considered to be the best
is of course subjective depending on what it is we are each looking for in what
we read. I look for use of language; characters
that I will never forget (such as Owen Meany) as well as a damn good yarn that
will make me think or, in the case of horror, will unsettle me.
Best Short Story
The Dead by James Joyce is widely considered to be the best short
story written in the English Language.
It is the last story in the Dubliner’s
collection but it also works well as a stand alone novella. It was the title, of course, that brought it
to my morbid attention when I stumbled across it on iTunes!
The story centres on an annual
dance given by two elderly sisters in Ireland around Christmas time. The
main character is an insecure and socially awkward man by the name of Gabriel,
who attends the party with his wife. We experience some of Gabriel’s
awkwardness as he makes his way through the dances, dinner and speeches. When the party is over Gabriel and his wife return
to their hotel and it is there that she reveals something shocking to him. I was expecting some really awful revelation,
but it isn’t so bad. What it does do though
is make you think about the people that you know from your past and the
influence that they have had on your life.
It also highlights that no matter how much you think you know somebody, you never
really know them.
This story is beautifully written
and you do feel for Gabriel as he deals with his wife’s revelation. I had never read James Joyce before and I
think that this is probably a perfect introduction.
The Funniest Novel
The second book I decided to read
was on a list of 100 best books and was noted as being one of the funniest books
written in English. I made one of my
monthly themes at book club a humorous read so that I could try
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K
Jerome. Written in 1889 it tells of
three men, and Montmorency the dog, who take a trip on the
Thames. I could imagine this being written by Clive
James as the delivery is very droll and pretty funny. As well as the dramas on the river there are
plenty of funny asides. I’m not sure if
I agree that it is the funniest book ever written as I’m currently reading a
Gerald Durrell which has made me laugh plenty, but it is hugely enjoyable.
Apparently the trip is easy to
re-create and many fans of the book travel the route and stop in at the pubs
and inns mentioned along the way.
Greatest (Living) Author
Philip Roth |
There are a few authors that are
listed as our greatest living writers – Phillip Roth, Don Delillo and Jose
Saramago amongst others. I decided to try Phillip Roth and I've nearly finished
Sabbath’s Theatre. and I sincerely hope none
of my book-clubbers pick this one to read as it is extremely licentious and explicit! Mickey Sabbath is definitely someone you
would not want in your life, but the writing is excellent and despite the
subject matter I am (surprisingly) enjoying it. This is because Roth makes us
see Mickey Sabbath, a sad old lecher, as a man trying to make sense of death
and dying and the fact that he has left nothing of value to show for his sixty
odd years on earth. He is a man baring
his miserable soul as his life winds down.
Don Delillo has 10 out of 16
books on the 1001 books you must read before you die listing that I follow,
which is equalled only by Charles Dickens.
Surely this would make him THE
greatest author? I have never read him
so Ratner’s Star will be going on my
reading list very soon.
The Best Book Ever Written
So, popular opinion has it that
Don Quixote is probably the best novel ever written. That’s an amazing achievement for a book that was published in the early 1600s and written at a time when there would not have been
many actual fiction novels being produced.
Don Quixote |
I've always been interested in
this character ever since I inherited Don Quixote and Sancho Panza as two large
Royal Doulton toby jugs from my much loved Grandmother. I recently watched a made-for-TV movie
starring John Lithgow and Bob Hoskins based on the novel and I also got hold of
Lost in La Mancha about the failed
filming of
The Man who Killed Don Quixote
which was to star Johnny Depp (it’s a great movie about the pitfalls of
movie making, especially if the director is Terry Gilliam, and well worth
Having an idea about the
storyline didn’t really prepare me for the amount of WORDS that there are on each page, it’s very daunting each time I
pick it up. I've gone from audio to Kindle
back to audio in order to try and get through this monster-piece. From what I have read so far (half) it has
mainly been very entertaining but there are some awfully long monologues and
short stories which detract from the plot. The best of these though was the
story of Anselmo and Lothario titled The
Impertinent Curiosity which I enjoyed very much, and I have since learned
that the term Lotharian was derived from this story.
Sancho Panza |
Don Quixote is an aging tall thin
man who, after reading many books on chivalry, is lost in his own world of
knight errantry. He believes that everything
is under enchantment so that those around him can’t see what is really going on
– such as the windmills really being giants, and the wine sack at the end of
the bed really being an ogre.
Sancho Panza is a poor short squat farmer who is lured into being
Quixote’s long suffering squire with the promise of being given an island at
the end of their adventures. Along with
Quixote’s equally thin horse Rocinante and Panza’s beloved donkey, the two make
quite a visual pair as they wreak havoc throughout the Spanish countryside.
The humour that worked back in
the 1600s still works today amazingly, and Cervantes is quite cheeky in some of
his observations, sometimes relating comments back to his own authorship. I confess for me it has been a bit of a trial
to read (almost as painful as Melmoth the
Wanderer) but the characters and the humour will help me see it through to
the end.
Until next time,