I feel like writing a few words about the author Scott Sigler now that I have finished a second novel by him.
In a way Sigler reminds me of Australian author Matt Reilly. Not in the way that he writes or the kind of stories that he writes but just for his sheer enthusiasm. It is infectious and contagious (sorry for the puns there!).
When you come across a writer like this it sweeps you up and you just want to read their work. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t great literature, you just want to enjoy the ride. Scott Sigler has re-invigorated my reading which has been a bit jaded of late after my misinformed decision to devote this year to Indie Authors. I’ve tried several novels on my list and I just can’t get past their first chapters (thank goodness for Amazon’s free sample function for Kindle). Anyway, I digress.
What I love about Scott Sigler and Matt Reilly is their approachability. They stay in touch with their fans, these authors really appreciate and respect their readers. Sigler has maximised his use of social media by podcasting his books for free from his website, what a brilliant idea! http://scottsigler.com/
I am really disappointed that I can’t be at the book signing of Nocturnal at Borderland Books in the US on Monday! However, a quick email to the bookstore and a phone call later, I have secured a copy to be signed and posted out to me. Woo Hoo! Jude at Borderland Books was very helpful. It sounds like a very interesting bookstore too, I wish there was one like it here on the Gold Coast: http://www.borderlands-books.com/ However, I am very impatient and knowing the postal lead times back to Australia from the US I also have a copy on order from the library J
Another medium being employed by authors lately is the use of video trailers to promote their books. I’ve watched Nocturnal’s several times. It just sums up Sigler’s work perfectly – it is dark, it’s bloody, it’s violent but it’s also got some humour. Check it out:
Get your copy now and let’s catapult Scott Sigler to New York Times #1 Bestseller because he certainly deserves it.